Spring Birding

I visited the trails at Fountain Creek Nature Center recently to enjoy the beautiful spring weather and practice identifying birds!

I definitely don’t consider myself a “birder” - I can only confidently identify about twenty birds - but it’s something I would like to learn more about!

While walking, I saw lots of gorgeous red-winged blackbirds, which I am familiar with (plus tons of geese). There were quite a few ducks (and turtles!) out on the pond, but I couldn’t see enough detail to guess what they were exactly.

A red-winged blackbird perches on the fluffy top of a cattail.

Photo Credit: Pexels. Red-winged blackbird.

I saw a couple smaller and more generic-looking birds and stopped to observe them for a little while. There were several female western meadowlarks picking up birdseed from the ground, dropped by a much larger red-winged blackbird that was monopolizing the birdfeeder.

I also saw a couple house finches, and the birding app I use picked up the calls of a few song sparrows and house wrens, which I didn’t see.

I don’t visit Fountain Creek very often, but it’s a great spot for birding! I plan to learn more about birds this spring and summer, so I’ll be looking for other good bird spots.


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