Spring Wildflowers: Evening Primrose

The white-stemmed evening primrose (Oenothera albicaulis) is one of the most beautiful wildflowers I have seen in person!

An evening primrose bloom (white) growing out of rocky soil with conifers and mountains in the background.

Photo Credit: Hailey Robe

My friend and I had just walked up the side of a huge hill when we saw this flower (above) - it was totally worth it!

Evening primroses are easily recognized from their large, uniquely-shaped petals. They prefer open, sandy areas and are white, or pink as they fade. Evening primroses are found throughout most of the United States and northern Mexico, and, depending on their exact location, can bloom almost year-round.

A white evening primrose bloom surrounded by other, faded bright pink blooms.

Photo Credit: USFWS Mountain-Prairie, Flickr

Fun fact: Flowers open near sunset, but can remain open for several days!


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