
This is a space to share updates about my work, posts about recreation and hobbies, and thoughts on current events (plus pictures of cool moths and whatnot). Thanks for reading!

Hailey R Hailey R

The Copper Creek Pack

It’s been a little over two months since I’ve written about Colorado’s reintroduced wolves, and in that time, the birth of Colorado’s first wolf pup was announced!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Bison or Buffalo?

While the terms “bison” and “buffalo” both commonly refer to the same animal - Bison bison - the terms have different origins and present-day uses.

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Hailey R Hailey R

ICYMI: Colorado Gov. Passes New Wildlife Laws

In June 2023, Gov. Jared Polis (CO) signed more than twenty bills aimed at addressing climate change in June 2023. This year, he signed two new bills to promote sustainability and protect wildlife in Colorado.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Washington State to Reintroduce Grizzly Bears

Following recent trends of reintroduction (for example, wolf reintroductions in Colorado) the National Park Service and US Fish and Wildlife filed a decision to reintroduce brown (grizzly) bears to Washington a couple weeks ago.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Wildlife Crossings Protect People, Animals, and Ecosystems

Wildlife crossings have been in the news - you may remember the viral video of the momma bear trying to get her cubs across the road from a couple years ago! So, what are designated wildlife crossings, and how do they protect people, animals, and even ecosystems?

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Hailey R Hailey R

New Colorado Law Limits Water Usage in Landscaping

In October, Colorado’s Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee introduced SB24-005, a bill titled, “Prohibit Landscaping Practices for Water Conservation.” The bill aims to reduce the amount of water used by prohibiting nonfuntional and non-native grass in public areas.

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Hailey R Hailey R

In the News: Indigenous Marine Stewardship Area

In a huge step for marine protection and Indigenous-led conservation, the Resighini Tribe of Yurok People, Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation and Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria designated the United States’ first Indigenous Marine Stewardship Area (ISMA) on the west coast.

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Hailey R Hailey R

In the News: Wolf Reintroduction

I wanted to highlight this article on wolf reintroduction from last week, featuring CU Boulder wildlife ecologist (and my former professor) Dr. Joanna Lambert!

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Hailey R Hailey R

What is COP28?

You may have heard a lot about COP28 in the news for the last week or two. Here’s what it was about and some of the notable takeaways.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Wolverines Listed as Threatened Under ESA

As of last Wednesday (Nov. 29), wolverines are now protected under the Endangered Species Act! In this post, we’ll discuss what a wolverine actually is, what the Endangered Species Act is, and what protections for the wolverine might entail.

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Hailey R Hailey R

What is the Colorado Springs Mining Scar?

If you’ve ever been driving west in Colorado Springs, you might have noticed a reddish, rocky patch towards the base of the mountains. This is actually what remains of the Pikeview Quarry, but it is most commonly referred to as “the mining scar.” Here’s a closer look.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Close Calls: Greenback Cutthroat Trout

The Greenback Cutthroat Trout is native to the land now known as Colorado, unlike the Rainbow Trout and other popular fishing species. In fact, it’s actually Colorado’s state fish. But what makes these trout unique is their (multiple) close calls with extinction for the last 200 years.

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