Be Bear Aware: Guide to Black Bears in Colorado

Photo credit: Chris Geirman, Unsplash.

This post is intended to be a place to collect and share resources regarding human-bear interactions. I will be adding to this post periodically. You may use any of my resources for your own purposes (please provide credit); feel free to share the additional resources listed in this post, and add your own in the comments!

My resources:

  • Be Bear Aware: Guide to Black Bears in Colorado. This is a (printable) PDF booklet with information about black bears in Colorado, how to cohabitate with them, and tips for hiking in areas where black bears live.

  • Who’s Who: Black Bears vs. Brown Bears. This is a (printable) one-page, double-sided PDF handout with information about differentiating black and brown bears,

Additional resources:

Do you have any tips or resources to add? Let me know in the comments!


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