Wolf Reintroduction in Colorado

Wolf reintroduction is one of the most complex and controversial environmental policy and management decisions currently happening. There are many angles to consider: ecological, social, economic, and political factors are all involved. To begin learning about this topic, this page includes a list of resources about previous wolf reintroductions, the science and reasoning behind Colorado’s wolf reintroduction, and what we can expect as this project begins this month.

A light reddish-brown wolf howls on top of red rocks with green plants in the background.

Photo Credit: Darren Welsh, Unsplash

Ecology and Natural History of Wolves

Learn about the basic ecology and natural history of wolves. Read or download a summary below…

…or see additional resources on this topic:

Previous Wolf Reintroductions

Colorado isn’t the first to reintroduce wolves to an ecosystem - learn more about the Yellowstone wolf reintroductions with these resources:

Wolf Reintroduction in Colorado

Learn about the science behind wolf reintroduction in Colorado, Prop 114, and why this process is unique as far as environmental management in the US.

Wolves in Environmental Policy


Front Range Fire Planning


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