
This is a space to share updates about my work, posts about recreation and hobbies, and thoughts on current events (plus pictures of cool moths and whatnot). Thanks for reading!

Hailey R Hailey R

2024 Leaf Map

If you haven’t already started planning your aspen leaf-spotting trip, this is your sign!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Lavender, Russian Sage, and Catmint

Three common non-native flowers in Colorado look pretty similar to me (I’m sure trained botanists disagree!). Anyways, here’s more about these three plants, how to tell them apart, and the difference between non-native and invasive plants.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Summer Wildflowers: Milkweed

Best known as the host plant to monarch butterflies, “showy” milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) is a very common summer wildflower in Colorado!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Summer Wildflowers: Prickly Pear Cacti

Prickly pear cacti (Opuntia polyacantha) are an iconic species of the Western US and Mexico. Learn how this cactus is uniquely adapted to its environment and how humans have traditionally interacted with this plant!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Summer Wildflowers: Dogbane

Dogbane is an important plant to be able to identify - as its name suggests, this plant is notable for its toxicity to humans and other animals, including dogs.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Spring Wildflowers: Nodding Onion

Nodding onions (Allium cernuum) are beautiful, delicate flowers that get their common name from the slight bend at the top of the main stem, which differentiates it from others in the allium family.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Spring Wildflowers: Blue Flax

Blue flax (Linum lewisii) is a vibrant spring wildflower that is easy to spot and identify. We can expect to see blue flax growing by mid-March, and they flower until fall.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Spring Wildflowers: Chiming Bells

Tall chiming bells (Mertensia ciliata), also known as mountain bluebells, are beautiful and delicate flowers with colors ranging from (occasionally) white or pink to (frequently) blue or purple.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Throwback Thursday: Giant Mullein!

Mullein, a highly invasive plant, is found across most parts of the United States and into Canada. In the field a couple years ago, my coworkers and I came across a bunch of gigantic mullein plants!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Spring Wildflowers: Stemless Townsend Daisy

Stemless Townsend Daisies (Townsendia exscapa) are another early-year wildflower in Colorado! They grow in a “tufted” or “mounded” form, giving them the title of “stemless” - the stems are so short they can be difficult to spot.

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