
This is a space to share updates about my work, posts about recreation and hobbies, and thoughts on current events (plus pictures of cool moths and whatnot). Thanks for reading!

Hailey R Hailey R

Bison or Buffalo?

While the terms “bison” and “buffalo” both commonly refer to the same animal - Bison bison - the terms have different origins and present-day uses.

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Hailey R Hailey R

ICYMI: Colorado Gov. Passes New Wildlife Laws

In June 2023, Gov. Jared Polis (CO) signed more than twenty bills aimed at addressing climate change in June 2023. This year, he signed two new bills to promote sustainability and protect wildlife in Colorado.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Summer Wildflowers: Prickly Pear Cacti

Prickly pear cacti (Opuntia polyacantha) are an iconic species of the Western US and Mexico. Learn how this cactus is uniquely adapted to its environment and how humans have traditionally interacted with this plant!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Beyond the “Bear Minimum” of Conservation

In a paper titled, “The bear minimum: Reintroduction and the weaknesses of minimalist conservation,” authors Lee Brann, Alexander Lee, and Benjamin Hale tackle the different approaches to conservation and discuss why the “bear minimum” isn’t enough.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Guide to Surviving Moth Season

Yup, moths. Rather than spring, summer, fall, and winter, Colorado’s seasons include Almost Spring, Just Kidding, and Optimal Skiing, followed by Moth, Afternoon Hail, On Fire, Still Too Hot, Fall For One Week, Dark, Cold, and Ice. We’ve already moved past Moth Season this year, but it’s never too early to plan for the next!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Exploring Loch Ness

I recently took a trip to Scotland with my family, and among the incredible castles, stunning scenery, and friendly pubs, we visited Loch Ness!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Searching for Scottish Highland Cows

Highland cows, aka “fluffy cows,” have recently taken the Internet by storm as millions of people - including me - have fallen in love with their adorable, fluffy faces. So, of course, I had to visit Highland cows on my family’s recent trip to Scotland.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Meeting Reindeer in the Cairngorms, Scotland

On a recent trip to Scotland, I expected to see fluffy Highland cows, stunning lochs, and historical castles. I did not expect to spend two hours literally walking among a herd of reindeer, but that’s exactly what happened!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Summer Wildflowers: Dogbane

Dogbane is an important plant to be able to identify - as its name suggests, this plant is notable for its toxicity to humans and other animals, including dogs.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Climate Toolbox

Many of my coworkers use (and develop!) tools on the Climate Toolbox for their research. Here is a brief introduction to the resources available on the Toolbox!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Spring Wildflowers: Nodding Onion

Nodding onions (Allium cernuum) are beautiful, delicate flowers that get their common name from the slight bend at the top of the main stem, which differentiates it from others in the allium family.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Washington State to Reintroduce Grizzly Bears

Following recent trends of reintroduction (for example, wolf reintroductions in Colorado) the National Park Service and US Fish and Wildlife filed a decision to reintroduce brown (grizzly) bears to Washington a couple weeks ago.

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Hailey R Hailey R

Spring Birding

I visited the trails at Fountain Creek Nature Center recently to enjoy the beautiful spring weather and practice identifying birds!

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Hailey R Hailey R

Wildlife Crossings Protect People, Animals, and Ecosystems

Wildlife crossings have been in the news - you may remember the viral video of the momma bear trying to get her cubs across the road from a couple years ago! So, what are designated wildlife crossings, and how do they protect people, animals, and even ecosystems?

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